The Relational Leadership Model

relational leadership model

The relationship leadership model is an effective method for increasing employee morale and improving team cohesiveness. It places particular emphasis on individuals within a group environment and their interactions.

Relational leaders demonstrate their passion by actively sharing their purpose and engaging their teams in vision-creation exercises. They empower others by instilling them with shared ownership over decisions made within the group; as well as respecting and honoring opinions expressed by each member of their group.


Inclusion in relational leadership models is key to team-building and collaboration. Leaders who follow this approach prioritize relationships over productivity, and strive to forge strong bonds among their team members. Furthermore, they foster inclusivity by including all team members in decision making and problem solving activities, accepting each person’s opinions as valuable and listening carefully when taking advice from them.

Relational leaders focus more on how the products or services offered by their company can make people’s lives better than just making profit for themselves and the company. They take into account employees’ emotional needs while offering opportunities for personal development; ultimately, this makes leaders and teams stronger – leading to increased productivity for business growth.

Relational leaders tend to think long term. They encourage their teams to find creative solutions for complex problems that will result in improved productivity over time and enhanced customer satisfaction. Empathy is key in relational leadership; empathy allows them to anticipate problems before they escalate and offer solutions before any errors in decision making occur. Furthermore, they often work to develop future leaders for their organization, helping the company avoid costly transition errors associated with leadership changes. Underlying values of relational leadership include inclusion, empowerment, purpose, and ethics – essential qualities necessary for any company in today’s competitive business environment.


Relational leaders aim to empower their entire teams. They ensure all team members have opportunities to express their opinions and ideas freely before leading a collaborative process that synthesizes these viewpoints into an aligned vision that unifies individual learning goals with organizational and team performance objectives.

This type of leadership style promotes autonomy and personal development by encouraging employees to explore different approaches to work while learning from mistakes. Furthermore, it focuses on building strong relationships within an organization; employees feel valued while staying longer with their jobs as a result of this type of approach.

Relational leaders differ from their Metrics-focused counterparts in that they focus on long-term company health rather than short-term results. Instead, relational leaders focus on developing future leaders while anticipating potential issues before they become too complex for resolution; then work alongside these future leaders to develop their skills while making sure their transition goes as smoothly as possible for both them and the team.

Empathy is at the core of successful relational leadership models, showing genuine care for every member of a team and wanting their best in an authentic manner. Leaders who exhibit empathy tend to be received positively, leading to stronger and more cohesive teams overall.


The relational leadership model emphasizes interpersonal connections, especially those between leaders and employees. It fosters team formation while improving collaboration. Furthermore, this approach helps leaders build positive relationships within and beyond their organization – its main aim being fostering professional and social development of team members while giving them all of the resources needed to meet their goals successfully.

This kind of leader is highly empathetic, treats employees like they’re part of their extended family and believes every team member has something important they can contribute. Furthermore, they understand that when everyone feels content in the workplace they become more productive.

When teammates are having issues, their leader should help them resolve it without making it about them and their feelings and issues. Furthermore, leaders should respect all views among colleagues when making decisions and strive to take an inclusive and democratic approach when making them. In addition, leaders can give team members plenty of autonomy so as to build trust and enhance productivity.

Relational leadership may present its own set of unique challenges, yet it’s an investment worth making. By learning the five principles that comprise relational leadership model, you can become a more effective leader and foster a more positive work environment. While you may struggle initially with mastering this style, practice will help develop your abilities over time.


No matter the industry you work in, businesses rely on people. Therefore, a leadership style that emphasizes healthy connections within your team is so vitally important. While other forms of leadership might focus on position or authority rather than relationship building within its team members, relational leadership seeks to understand them well enough so as to assist their growth in their roles.

Relational leaders seek to incorporate a wide cross-section of employees onto project teams so that all viewpoints are considered. If, for instance, most members in a group are male, the relational leader should recognize this and work to recruit female employees so they can add diversity. They also work to avoid adopting an “all results are equally valuable” mentality and consider how any actions taken may have an effect on their team as a whole.

Although relational leadership models may not provide a perfect solution to workplace problems, they can be an excellent tool to promote collaboration in your organization and boost team morale. Employing its principles – inclusivity, empowerment, purpose and ethics – will help your team members feel valued while their voices are heard – leading to improved productivity and more positive outcomes overall.

Author Profile

Selena Athni
Selena Athni
Selena Athni is an accomplished writer and thought leader in Non Profits, known for her insightful analysis and compelling storytelling. Selena has spent the past 8 years exploring the intersections of Poverty and addiction, with her husband Jeevar a journey that has taken her from India to the forefront of San Diego's non profit homeless shelters.